Monday, August 3, 2009

Broiled Flank Steak with Turkish/Mediterranean Marinade

The marinade used for marinating the flank steak is Turkish/Mediterranean style. My uncle who loves grilling uses this type of dressing. You may broil or grill this steak.

1 lb flank steak
¼ cup lemon juice
1 tbsp fresh rosemary (chopped finely)
1-2 tsp coarse sea salt
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp black pepper

Rub the steak with sea salt and black pepper. Add the fresh rosemary, olive oil and lemon juice to the steak making sure the ingredients are distributed well all over the steak. Marinate over night in the refrigerator. Broil or grill for 10-12 minutes on each side. Depending on how you prefer your meat cooked, you may adjust the cooking time. It will cook well done based on this recipe. Slice against the grain and serve with potatoes or pilaf.


  1. Yummylicious! I love flank steak.

  2. The steak sounds flavorful and tender!

  3. Rosemary must make the steak really aromatic :D

  4. we do not eat beef, but i use the rosemary, lemon & olive oil to grill my chicken, one of my favorite marinades. never thought it was Turkish;-)

  5. Definitely, I'm going to try this recipe, thanks!

  6. This is a great marinade, and rosemary is one herb in my garden that hasn't succumbed to the heat!

  7. Thank you for the receipe...I'm gonna try it this weekend and le u no

  8. looks great and the other recipes that i have not seen before...great job!

  9. I will try it this better be good...

  10. Baron, please do let me know how it turns out. I am confident that you will like it if you like meat.

  11. ohh..not a steak fan but this will work w chic?

  12. Hey Amigo...we tried it and loved it, thanks a whole bunch Buddy.
    My Paternal Grand parents were from SIVAS so Turkish Food is a high priority for me.
    Thanks again

  13. Baron's life, I am very glad to hear that you tried the flank steak and liked it. I always appreciate honest feedback (either way). So you have some Turkish roots and interested in Turkish food. You should try some of the more authentic Turkish recipes too. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. Hey, Thanks for the visit... Yes it was good and yes I will try the rest of your fact, we are making two more steaks, per your receipe tonight, on the grill. This is great. Thank you my friend.!
    Well, I am a Canadian of Armenian origin, My Grand parents come from your country and my wish is to some day visit Turkey and have a look see as to where our family came from....nothing serious...
    Did you study in the US or Canada, cause your English is flawless..
    FYI, I like the tchi kufte, kufte in general, dolma, and all the good things you make like lahmajoun, sujuk, etc....
    BTW, I have an award for you on my blog...I have also listed you on my blog...
    Click here!
    All the best and Salam

  15. Glad to hear that you liked the steaks enough to make them again the next day! Afiyet olsun. It's great that I have readers from so many different backgrounds.
    Also, thank you for the award! I appreciate it. By the way, yes, I did study in the U.S. Thanks for stopping by.

  16. thenomadgourmand, yes it will work with chicken!

  17. I dont remember when I ate this beautiful and delicious looking dish. If you could refresh my memory by cooking it again, I would really appreciate it.

